Awoos the Kinkwolf

A yiffy alt of another lemming who shall not be named. 18+, minors dni.

Male, He/Them.

A kinkwolf, into bdsm, petplay, latex, chastity, hypnosis and other fun stuff. Feel free to make flirty replies at me in responses to my posts, although I may blush.

  • 71 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023

  • Besides a private instance with federation disabled (and even then), I don’t think Lemmy is really designed for private communities. Even in NSFW communities, guest users can still see the posts if they have direct links to them, or use a non-lemmy fediverse viewer ( ).

    Even if there was a way to do it (perhaps with a Lemmy fork), you also have to trust that any instances users are on also comply with your requests. Depending on your requirements for privacy, this may not be something you want to rely on.

    Is this even a desirable feature Yiffit turned on, or is it just a quirk of how Lemmy works? It certainly hurts discoverability of content here, IMO.

  • I was going to just leave a few bullet points and then leave, because this kind of thing kinda makes me feel uncomfortable and frustrated. But then I started thinking and there are two related things I kinda… Wanna get off my chest, I guess?

    Firstly, my thoughts on the matter:

    • IMO, platforms (Twitter, Mastodon instances, Subreddits, etc.) should be able to limit what they deem acceptable. I may not like it when they do so (Especially if they have a monopoly e.g. Paypal and Patreon), but ultimately it’s their right to do so.
    • I define whether something is morally “right or wrong” based on consent. If all parties involved fully understand what is going on and consent to it, then IMO there is no moral issue. This does imply that platforms should gain your consent before showing you certain things (although not in an obnoxious data gathery way…).
    • Anyone who claims to act upon some objective moral standard other than that, and goes on crusades to try to “purify” people or groups deserve a spot in hell. Especially if they make up some nonsense about it being tied to pedophilia or bestiality. If you don’t like NSFW furry stuff, just don’t engage. Hell, put “SFW Furry” or something in your bio if you want to raise awareness that it’s not all NSFW.
    • Bestiality is not furry. It doesn’t meet the definition, isn’t moral and we should try to kick people like that out.

    Also, yes I know you can probably poke some holes in my stance. It’s the best I can do, and most people’s moral codes have holes in them.

    Anyway, onto things I want to get off my chest. When I was younger, I only really consumed NSFW furry stuff (which is probably still what I do nowadays), and that filled me with a lot of guilt. I knew the fandom had this reputation of being NSFW, and I felt that me being into it in that way was making me somehow complicit? I didn’t go on any crusades or anything, but I did annoyingly point out “btw it’s not just a sex thing” when furry came up. I hope that nowadays either that reputation has died down or people are becoming more accepting that everything has a sex element. But yeah, I can kinda see where they are coming from, I guess. They love this stuff and don’t want it to have the “bad” reputation.

    Another thing I want to bring up about me is… Feral makes me uncomfortable. I understand the Harkness test, and that they can talk and consent and all that, but it feels a little too close to bestiality for my tastes. I even blacklist it in the communities I run even though I know most people there are probably fine with it. I saw a post a while back which to me just looked like an (animal) cheetah with his bits out, and I’m just wondering why that is “furry”. I can kinda see why places ban human x feral because it’s super unclear to me where the line is.

    So a question to feral furry peeps, if you don’t mind me asking, where do you draw the line between “feral” and “animal”?

  • /uj For what it’s worth, as someone who posts quite a bit of stuff there, I also wish full instance per-user blocks were a thing. I like that stuff, but I understand some people don’t and rather not force furry tiddies on them. ;_;

    /rj But yes, certainly avoid if you don’t like that sort of thing. :P

    Edit: To those wondering if their instance is blocking it, afaik and do not. You can check the instance list at the bottom of the page. Or I guess check if you can see this comment, since my account is on there.

    You also won’t see furry porn if you have nsfw off in the settings. Or if you don’t linger in r/all for too long (there’s only like 5 of us posting regularly, it’s easy for it to get drowned out).

  • To their credit, in many countries where circumcision is common there’s a lot of misinformation about uncut penises, and a general taboo around talking about penises in general. The whole “uncut penises are unclean” thing is a common myth which appears to be pushed super hard. I can also imagine some men not actually learning how to clean properly (because where would you learn that?), furthering the stereotype.

    I think OP is just coming from a background of misunderstanding, rather than trolling. I guess they also didn’t realise how charged a topic it would be.