AutomatedPossum [she/her]

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2024


  • A common binary trans consideration that I have the hardest time relating to as a non-binary trans person is a burning desire to pass as the gender that one identifies with.

    As a nonbinary transfem who is very closely ajacent to what is commonly referred to as “binary trans womanhood”, i really struggle with the way many other nonbinary people frame issues of cissexism, passing obsession, transmedicalism, lack of self worth, excessive and unwarranted shame and internalized transmisogyny as “a binary thing” instead of as “a deeply brainwormed thing”. These desires are not inherent to “binary” transness, they are inherent to the ruling discourse about what the trans experience has to be like, which is a discourse that purposely exists only within the safeguards of binary gender roles. But i see many of these assumptions bleeding into nonbinary spaces as well. The underlying, toxic desire to be cis, to hate one’s transness, to reject one’s body for not meeting (cis)normative standards of beauty is present in both cases, and it is the main obstacle to trans joy in both cases as well.