I don’t mind
Maybe Roolum. As in “one ring to Roolum all”
Just a basic “Gollum as a chicken”
Normal? I just try random things and see what Bing comes up with. It’s weird sometimes. Really, I understand why it’s in bad taste, but I didn’t mean for it to be. It had nothing to do with Tianamen at first, so I shouldn’t have put the date as the title.
Because that’s what it looked like
The prompt was “blurry 90s photo of mass panic”. Calm down, sweaty
Actual prompt: blurry 90s photo of mass panic
Zelda is in the picture with Link and Pikachu is called a cat, but somehow you still took the title seriously? 🤨
I think I used the words “homeless” and “hallucinating”. Bing did the rest.
Something like “a lot of people trying to climb out of deep, muddy water”
Nebulas are not perfectly round or spherical because they are affected by different forces that can cause them to be chaotic and irregular. Things like explosions from stars, magnetic fields, gravitational interactions with other objects, and radiation pressure can all factor in the way a nebula looks.
I’m not sure. Something basic like “tree mimic watching from a distance”.
No, I made it a while back and I don’t remember the prompt.
I figured I should after my previous post.
Lady Picture Show