Out of curiosity, what’s your desktop setup? Particularly motherboard, CPU, RAM, PSU model and capacity? 30W idle without a GPU is exceptionally good for a 6 year old PC.
Out of curiosity, what’s your desktop setup? Particularly motherboard, CPU, RAM, PSU model and capacity? 30W idle without a GPU is exceptionally good for a 6 year old PC.
Thanks for your comment!
This is the kind of info I was looking for.
I’m not only looking to find out how to reduce the consumption of this specific machine (although that is a goal too), but want to better understand what hidden factors affect power consumption. Why can seemingly similar machines have very different power characteristics.
Based on your comment, some of the hidden factors that I wasn’t aware of may be:
Thanks again for your comment. These are great ideas. I can imagine these can add up too and make a big difference when combined.
This is a very good comment, and answers many of my questions. Thank you for this!
Anyway, I’m trying to understand this whole power consumption thing too. See my other post if you’re interested. And my conclusion is that it just doesn’t make sense. There are a lot of factors involved. Nuanced things, like quality and of components, firmware etc. You can’t just say old == bad power consumption, new == good consumption. Your 2012 server is a good example of that.
In my opinion, the best thing to do is just look up the specific model you intend to get and check what people’s experiences are for that particular model. And there is your expected power consumption.