Hey all! I’m new here – been writing fairly seriously for about a decade and been wading slowly into the publishing world more recently. Would love to get to know any other writers hanging out around here – what do you write and what are you working on?

I write a lot of fantasy/speculative, though I also do some short work in the space of memoir and CNF. Currently working on a novel about a girl whose voice is death.

Anyway, introduce yourselves! I’d love to see any stories you might be up for sharing!

  • Lacanoodle@literature.cafe
    10 months ago

    I’m a reader who likes to write for myself occasionally. Never finished a big project but I’ve written a few short stories I’m proud of.

    Currently writing a story about a chess player struggling to make money off of chess and unable to find a job that would allow him to play semi professionally on the side either.

    Ps. Heres a line I wrote that i’m proud of; “Grief whispers in the wind, a haunting melody of what once was and what will never be again.”

    • ThatExpatGirl@literature.cafeOP
      10 months ago

      Ooh, that story sounds devestating – in a good way. Great line as well. The struggle to balance passion and survival is really prevalent these days (thanks capitalism!). Best of luck with it.