Jon Favreau, Obama’s speechwriter, complaining about the tweet…

Didn’t realize this brand of person is still at it on here. Impressive stamina.

Just to follow up: the brand of person I was referring to is someone who tells people to fuck off if they choose to work from home while sick. I don’t find that persuasive, I find it unhinged.

Long Covid is real, tragic, and deserves more attention (I had a post-Covid condition myself - not fun). Covid is still dangerous for a lot of people, especially older and immunocompromised. If you get even a mild case and feel too sick to work from home, you absolutely shouldn’t have to. But advocacy for any of these issues isn’t coming on this platform to swear at strangers for perfectly reasonable statements and actions.

It’s counterproductive and absurd and I won’t pretend otherwise. People suffering deserve better advocacy than this shit.


  • TheModerateTankie [any]
    9 months ago

    A lot of people who developed long covid after a “mild” infection are warning people to get as much rest as possible, because they believe they ended up with long covid by trying to go back to normal too soon, or trying to push through it.