This is my album. Not all of it is [drum & bass], but a good amount of it is. (Specifically, the tracks Into Sky, Imaginary Color, Vanishing Point, Swallow the Sun and Hardware Problem.)

This album is pretty experimental, since the main other influence is [progressive rock].

This thing took forever and I’m happy to finally share it!

And here’s my Mastodon for anyone who likes that sort of thing.

    1 year ago

    Pretty experimental indeed. It’s as though someone had a child with the Venetian Snares, who later grew up to go to music school, reject his father’s drum machine and instead wreck 90s sequencers handing in a thesis with the title “fuck yo music theory, imma do wh”.

    I can see the progressive influence in tracks like Insidious. Many of the transitions are too abrupt for my liking though, and I had trouble linking structures, sentences, motifs, etc. within any given song. Some parts are too lolrandom and feel like they were made by a generative AI. The drum loops are clean.

    And yet there’s things in there that work and are kind of fun. If this is your first music release of any kind, please don’t stop here. There’s a unique sound embedded in there that I suspect will grow further. :)