This philosophy is all well and good. Efficiency is great! Just make sure not everyone in your surrounding thinks of you as a miserable person to be avoided. Don’t sacrifice a good existence to save pennies. Educate yourself on what is actually effectfull in saving money before demanding it of the people you love. Explain it to them. Never shout at them. Make damn sure your spouse have the same philosophy before implementing it.
Do you have any idea how many times I’ve explained to my husband that putting on a sweater is cheaper than turning up the heater? Some people just want to watch the gas burn.
This philosophy is all well and good. Efficiency is great! Just make sure not everyone in your surrounding thinks of you as a miserable person to be avoided. Don’t sacrifice a good existence to save pennies. Educate yourself on what is actually effectfull in saving money before demanding it of the people you love. Explain it to them. Never shout at them. Make damn sure your spouse have the same philosophy before implementing it.
Quiet please. I’m trying to shout at my family. If I pause they may interject, and then I will have to explain further to them why they suck so hard.
Do you have any idea how many times I’ve explained to my husband that putting on a sweater is cheaper than turning up the heater? Some people just want to watch the gas burn.