• OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    In this instance it’s:

    Light, guy on right - police chief’s son, genius student with good grades and a tennis champion for extra curricular to get into a good school. Has ideas about what people should die for and what isn’t being punished. Loses same sleep as guy on left, or so we assume, but hes a sociopath so the loss of sleep is more to do with thinking and less to do with fear or regret

    L (just the letter), guy on the left - internationally recognized detective. Also genius. Also really good at Tennis… I guess. It comes up once. Works with police and police chief to find the bad guy. Suspects Light, tells him so and his dad and enrolls in the same college. Does care about people, will make decisions where others are hurt if necessary but does clearly have morals. Weird dude, sits funny, likes sweets.