Our society is very shallow, what matters most (more than potency or virility or being a good person) is how you look on the outside. If a person cannot conform to a GQ standard of awesome beauty, then in my opinion they are not worthy of having life at all. It’s outward appearance that has the most importance in life, nothing else at all. Nothing else actually matters in the slightest.
There’s the possibility of erectile dysfunction in exchange for keeping hair, too… i just didn’t want to overcomplicate the question lol
Our society is very shallow, what matters most (more than potency or virility or being a good person) is how you look on the outside. If a person cannot conform to a GQ standard of awesome beauty, then in my opinion they are not worthy of having life at all. It’s outward appearance that has the most importance in life, nothing else at all. Nothing else actually matters in the slightest.