Edge of Tomorrow. Not a huge Tom Cruise fan, but that one really gets me. Emily Blunt is awesome in it. Went in not expecting much, but I was blown away.
Watched it last year and immediately searched to see if there was sequel in the pipe. Development hell.
In the book there are some references to Rita (Emily Blunt) fighting in various places and I think her getting her start in South America. Might be remembering that one wrong, but a prequel with her learning how to fight the monsters would have been good if they stuck more to the book.
Edge of Tomorrow. Not a huge Tom Cruise fan, but that one really gets me. Emily Blunt is awesome in it. Went in not expecting much, but I was blown away.
Watched it last year and immediately searched to see if there was sequel in the pipe. Development hell.
I would love more, but how? It was a rather self contained story.
In the book there are some references to Rita (Emily Blunt) fighting in various places and I think her getting her start in South America. Might be remembering that one wrong, but a prequel with her learning how to fight the monsters would have been good if they stuck more to the book.
Wrap a much larger time loop around the first movie.