Hi all, a friend convinced me to give FFXIV a try, and I’ve just made myself a Conjurer character. I’m barely 5-10 minutes in and damn this game’s pretty. Also pleasantly surprised by how solid the controller support is so far.

Curious if there are any pitfalls I should avoid, or if any of you seasoned players have advice for someone who’s just starting out.

  • Currently on the free trial. Does the subscription ever go on sale? I don’t doubt its value, but ~$150 USD / year is steep for any game (imo).
  • Are the classes/races decently balanced? I’ve played other MMOs where the game’s just not viable with certain classes.
  • I saw a menu option for macros, and I’d assume that’s keyboard-only? Are there any other players using just a controller, or does that become a hinderance at some point?
  • lorty
    10 months ago
    • The sub is always the same price (do get the entry level one if you want), but if you are conscious about spending only consider paying anything once you have finished stormblood (the second expansion) and have reached lvl 70, otherwise the only differences between a free trial and a paying customer are the social and financial restrictions (the gil cap is rough tbf)
    • you can play any race/class combo at any content. The only thing worth pointing out is that there are no specs or off-roles here: White Mage will always be a Healer and a Dark Knight will always be a tank.
    • Anyone can use macros, you write them and then you can use them as if they were another skill in your hotbar. DO NOT try to use them to automate your rotation, it will not work. In my experience they are most useful for crafting rotations and quickly targeting someone and using an off-gcd on them.