• shalafi@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I got a couple of acres of swamp with a very comfy camp setup. You could drop me off naked in January and I’d do OK.

    There are a couple of guns and plenty of ammo, but I’m no hunter. Only have a vague idea on how to dress a deer, but I’d have to learn fast! Probably start by sitting still and waiting for a squirrel to wander by. Maybe a rabbit when they come out to silflay.

    Since I already have a bit of food on hand, next I would mark a trail down to the river, which I’ve always meant to do. Got a few fishing hooks and simple gear, but no line or poles. I’d have to scavenge up and down the riverbanks for more gear.

    No idea what plants are edible out there, probably my #1 issue. There is surprisingly little biodiversity in the plants. Maybe it’s better closer to the river?

    Longer term, I would have to figure out how to make animal traps. .22s and 12/20-gauge is not going to last forever. Also, I’d have to eventually move camp to get closer to fresh water.

    I’d actually be in great shape but I’m under no illusions. Acquiring food would take almost all my effort.