Hi guys, overall very happy with my new OLED Deck (1TB non LE), had an LCD Deck before.

Got two small issues though: Is there any way to fix stuttering start animations? Just talking about official ones from Valve. I’ve read about turning off WiFi and yes, that works, but that does not seem like an attractive solution to me :) Was the same on the LCD Deck by the way.

Also there’s a fan issue. On my LCD I never noticed anything unusual about the, always worked fine, I used the updated fan control. My OLED always seems to hover around the threshold of the fan kicking in, and then it ramps up just to turn off right afterwards. This repeats soon after and is kinda distracting. Could I have a faulty Deck / fan or is this normal?

Turning the updated fan control off remedies it, but well, you hear the fan more often then in general. Briefly tried Fantastic via Decky Loader, but I would rather use an “official” setting and the tool seems to misread the fan speed, it’s constantly showing a nonsensical negative value.

Thanks in advance and enjoy your Decks!