PHOENIX (AP) – The 2024 presidential election is drawing an unusually robust field of independent, third party and long shot candidates hoping to capitalize on Americans’ ambivalence and frustration over a likely rematch between Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Donald Trump.

    11 months ago

    Anyone who understands that and continues to make excuses to not vote for Biden is a Trump supporter. Either intentionally or through sheer privileged ignorance. Save your preaching for the full election next year. After which I will be angrily telling you I said so.

    missing the point, and instead going straight to the fucking insults. POINT: Biden as a candidate sucks. nobody is saying Biden is actually their preferred candidate. he’s deeply unpopular and becoming increasingly so, and yet, you’re sitting here blaming people WARNING you about that… instead of maybe shopping around for another candidate- IN THE FREAKING PRIMARIES?

    we’re winding up for another repeat of 2016, because people like you won’t get off their fucking high horse and actually listen to people. and you have the fucking gall to accuse ME of sheer privileged ignorance. Incidentally, I’ve had his exact same conversation with people, only about Hilary.

    Oh and your point about incumbency… yeah, that’s increasingly becoming the millstone about his neck, Biden is far from the best, and he could be using what little positive influence he has now for supporting another candidate- LIKE HE FREAKING PROMISED LAST TIME.