I see a lot of anecdotal comments about users’ past or present Thinkpads on this sub so I’m curious how many FW13 buyers have come from a Thinkpad or have a Thinkpad as a second machine and how many have migrated from other brands.

I see the appeal of Framework for the old-school Thinkpad tinkerer. The FW13 will be the first non-Thinkpad I’ve owned since the old 570 back in the 1990s (although, granted, I’ve always been able to get EPP pricing on Thinkpads, which has influenced by purchases). My other laptop is a Gen4 Thinkpad P1, which is too big and power hungry to really be a good travel machine, but I will probably replace it with another powerful Thinkpad P-series laptop sometime in the next year for all the editing I do at home.

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  • cartographyB@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Batch 9 for FW13 7840u. Coming from an i7 Macbook Pro 2015 15 inch.

    I like to be able to repair my laptop. My MBP is getting old, software updates seem to be making it worse to use. Random restarts. Screen is beginning to have backlight bleed. Not trying to change out the screen or change the battery for a 3rd time. Its time to retire it.

    Looking forward to the AMD igpu.