- Read the article on account deletion.
- Submit a support ticket.
- Get response: pLeASE Be awaRE cRuNChyRoll CustoMEr SUPPorT no lONGEr diReCTLY handleS CUstOmEr Data reQUests FoR gDpR, CCPa, aNd lgPd.
- Remind yourself that your ticket wasn’t entirely useless. They gave you links to multiple forms to delete your account depending on the jurisdiction.
- Navigate to “CCPA Request Form” if you live in California. “All Other Requests” if you live outside of California.
- Select the appropriate form based on whether you live in the “European Union and the United Kingdom,” “Brazil,” or “United States, non-California” region. If you live outside of these regions, send an email to the listed email address. I go with the “European Union and the United Kingdom” region.
- Indicate that you are a customer.
- Specify that you want to make a data erasure request.
- Click on “Crunchyroll, Crunchyroll Games” among the options, disregarding the other unrelated services.
- Provide your first and last name, email address, and country of residence.
- Confirm that you own the email address.
- If you receive an email stating they couldn’t find your Crunchyroll Games account, respond that you don’t possess a Crunchyroll Games account.
- Sign an account deletion contract with the blood of your newborn.
- Support may delete your account, they didn’t delete my account yet.
Account? What is account? Can you eat account? Is account an instrument?
I found the process fucking terrible, so I went the EVEN BETTER route
Log into my credit card
Click “dispute transaction”
Reason: “Unable to cancel account”
Worked a dream.
That will stop billing but not remove your personal data from the providers database. Worse if your account then gets banned dispute resolution will be harder.