Can anyone guide me (a newcomer) to the subtle art of storing everything I possibly want in a NAS? Also how do I build a NAS from scratch? Thanks for any help at all!

  • Catsrules
    2 years ago

    It really depends on what your ultimate goal is.

    NAS is great for centralized storage for multiple devices to access. But isn’t totally necessary if your just looking to store data and access that date on a single device at a time. don’t discount buying two external hard drives. one for storage and the other for backup.

    If you really want a NAS Then there are many options. You could go a prebuilt solutions, Synology, QNAP, TerraMaster etc…

    If you have an old computer laying around, that can be an option as well (Although power usage could be an issue. )

    The biggest mistake I see new comers make, is thinking putting multiple drives together in a redundant configuration (RAID) is a backup. This isn’t the case you better off going with 2 single drives and have a daily backup between the two of them.