I have a NUC 7 that isn’t being used for anything so I’d like to put Linux and Docker on it. Can anyone recommend a Linux distro that will provide the best hardware support?
See a search engine and do some research. Maybe try out a bunch of different distros and find out for yourself
I like Debian
Debian 12 on the bare hardware (which I think is 2c/4t) and then setup Docker. You can also then run KVMs if you want. QEMU will be your friend.
If you had a newer, faster NUC, or similar, Proxmox as the hypervisor and then Debian 12 as VM with Docker on it. You get LXC with Proxmox “for free,” ( LOL ) so that kinda rocks. Two cores is not really a decent speed point. And it needs 8GB of RAM to be useful in that case. I **think** NUC 7 doesn’t normally have that, but I don’t NUC much–I used minipc non-NUC “clones.” For lack of a better word.
Have a nuc7i3
I put proxmox on a usb, installed it (official)
Download a Debian lxc container and boom Debian host
Debian, always debian for server type things, BUT, it might be more versatile to put VMware ESXi on it. (or Proxmox)
This repo has working scripts to inject into the ESXi installer ISO with all the drivers you need to get your NUC running as a virutalization host. (Recently VMware was aquired and all the community driver sites were taken down, so other online build tools stopped working)
I run a homlab with a cluster of ESXi NUCS , its just sooooo useful especially when developing code for differnt platforms or just quickly learning things and tinkering about.
Manjaro for AUR