My child wanted to watch an animated green lantern series recently so we checked it out. Of course the main character who is the human green lantern is a fighter pilot who does a bunch of sweet fighter pilot flight maneuvers in the opening sequence. I told my child that shows like this often show the military being cool and doing cool stuff, but that in real life what fighter pilots actually do is drop bombs on children. I’m only human, I also enjoy (some) military action movies, but I know it’s cotton candy brain poison too.
I hate how many children’s shows have pro military pro cop propaganda. How do others talk to their kids about it to inoculate them against brainworms? I usually describe the military and the cops as being like a gang of bullies - they do things to make themselves look cool but really they just exist to hurt people and take their shit.
I would talk about it outside of when they are enjoying it, if that makes sense?
Could frame it about how “sometimes it can be hard to tell fact from fiction when it involves a subject we don’t know anything about, I just want you to be informed, it is alright to enjoy things but we have to be vigilant when it comes to media portraying things we don’t know stuff about”
And maybe also share some times you believed things that weren’t true because of media/fiction. Modeling growth is important.
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