Seriously, just the absolute worst takes on the planet. Can someone poison his weed in Minecraft?

  • emizeko [they/them]
    11 months ago

    if anyone knows how to pull the subtitles, please post a transcript. I wouldn’t dream of asking anyone to suffer through typing it

    • Budwig_v_1337hoven [he/him]
      11 months ago
      auto-generated transcript (unedited)

      and finally new rule for all the progressives and academics who refer to Israel as an outpost of Western Civilization like it’s a bad thing please note Western Civilization is what gave the world pretty much every goddamn liberal precept that Liberals are supposed to adore individual liberty scientific inquiry rule of law religious freedom women’s rights human rights democracy trial by jury freedom of speech please somebody stop us before we Enlighten again and since one can find all these Concepts in today’s Israel and virtually nowhere else in the Middle East if anything the world would be a better place if it had more israels of course this message falls on deaf ears to the current crop who reduce everything to being only victims or victimizers so Israel is lumped in as the toxic fruit of the victimizing West the irony being that all marginalized people live better today because of Western ideals not in spite of them Martin Luther King used Henry David Thor’s essay Civil Disobedience to help shape the Civil Rights Movement the un’s universal Declaration of Human Rights owes its core to rouso and vol kenes never showed up for a sexual harassment seminar but without him there’s no democracy the cop who murdered George Floyd got 21 years for violating his fourth amendment rights an idea we got directly from John Lock who no one in college would ever study anymore because he’s so old and so white and so dead so Western yes that’s how simple the woke are it’s never about ideas if it was would they be cheering on Hamas for their Liberation Liberation to do what more freely Pride over a country where there are no laws against sexual harassment spousal rape domestic violence homophobia honor killings or child marriage this is who liberals think you should stand with women there should be so lucky as to get colonized by anybody else and for the record the Jews didn’t colonize Israel or anywhere ever except maybe boa Ron G Gaza wasn’t seized by Israel like India or Kenya was by the British Empire and the partitioning of the region wasn’t decided by Jews but by a vote of the United Nations in 1947 with with everyone from Russia to Haiti voting for it but apparently they don’t teach this at drag queen Story Hour anymore now it is true that for too long we didn’t study enough Asian or African or Latin American history but part of the reason for that is frankly there’s not as much to study colleges replaced courses in Western Civ boo I roll dead white men am I right they replace that with World Civilization classes which is fine in theory but what it meant in practice is you read queer poetry of the African diaspora instead of Shakespeare and I’m sure there’s value in both but as usual America only ever overcorrects and so we’re at this place now where the words Western Civ became kind of a Shand for white people ruined everything but but they didn’t ruin everything no they didn’t live up to their own ideals for far too long and committed atrocities but people back then were all atrocious not just the white ones depending on who had the power but it was the Western Enlightenment that gave rise to the notion that the law of the Jungle should be curbed Henry David thorough John Stewart Mill Ralph Waldo Emerson Johan rouso three named dudes it was all about three named dudes three na like that were the OG social justice Warriors the ideas that came through Athens Rome London Paris and yes Philadelphia are what make life good for most people in free societies today that the individuals have value and even the powers that be must submit to the rule of law that punishment should not be cruel and unusual that the accused get PE people get a trial that there is such a thing as a war crime why is it that every other culture gets a pass but the West is exclusively the sum of the worst things it’s ever done you think only white people colonized historians estimate that the very non-western Mr genas Khan killed 40 million people and that was in the 13th century he single-handedly may have reduced the world’s population by 11% on the other hand he kind of made up for it because he was such a prolific colonizer of vaginas that today an estimated 16 million people are his direct descendants so stop saying Western Civilization like it’s a contradiction in terms it’s not you’re thinking of moderate Republican

      more easily readable if you check the comment source, since yt adds a bunch of paragraphs instead of punctuation

      • emizeko [they/them]
        11 months ago

        thanks. in the interest of knowing how to fish, what tool did you use for this? yt-dlp?

        EDIT: I should just be web searching for this instead of bothering you. asking myself why and I think it’s because I’ve come to hate the experience of searching and finding tons of dogshit instead of what I want

            • Budwig_v_1337hoven [he/him]
              11 months ago

              It’s also worth noting just how shit these auto-generated captions are, which is what makes up the transcript. Like, they got all the training material in the world, fancy neural nets chugging along in their climate controlled cathedrals filled to the brim with carefully assembled sand, driven by the power requirements of a small nation and they can’t parse historic names like Genghis Khan or infamous philosophers, their semantic understanding is shit, even for a TV host, speaking relatively un-accented English and they don’t even try to segment their slop into sentences - it’s just so so bad, it’s basically deliberate. I figure they got roped into doing an accessibility and half-assed it, so now it’s just this depreciated, unprofitable legacy-feature nobody’s really allowed to touch. If enshittification holds true, they might remove it soon or move it into a paid premium tier, we’ll see. It can’t really get much worse on its own though, so there’s that