Looking for something that I’m sure must exist but can’t seem to get my google foo to return. I work in a lab where we have some equipment and control computers. We can remote into the computers to check things but thats a bit of a pain so I want to create and external web accessible server to show a few key statistics (such as temperature, levels etc…), preferably as a function of time. I have the server sorted but am looking for some software that has a web endpoint I can ping from the control computers every hour or so with say temperature of equipment X that collects it and has a web page I can view plots of data over time. Seems like it must exist but can’t find anything and don’t have the time at the moment to write it myself right now.

  • OSH
    11 months ago

    It looks like a case for a classical Monitoring System From what you described, have a look at

    • Prometheus + Grafana + Exporters (e.g. node-exporter, …)
    • Netdata

    as these seem to be the most commonly used ones, among all the other ones available.