Only 17% of Arab American voters say they will vote for Biden in 2024, according to a new poll.

    11 months ago

    I really, REALLY hate this line of thinking. I mean with the burning passion of a thousand suns.

    Biden is in an unenviable position. Hamas started this war by launching an unprovoked attack knowing full well they couldn’t handle the crackback. Israel has taken their retaliation way too far, well beyond the point of being defensible. They’ve bombed refugee camps and hospitals and when asked about the civillian casualties, basically said “sucks to be them”. What they are doing now is committing the exact genocide that they themselves have been worried about for decades if not centuries now. Biden made a mistake by continuing to stand by Israel even after they admit to and just shrug off the atrocities they commit on the daily, but there was never a position where Biden could pick a side (or even choose to remain neutral) without alienating an entire community of people.

    And in almost any other situation, I may agree with them in their desire to either vote for another candidate or just sit home. But there are literally only three options here: Hold your nose and vote for Biden, vote for Trump in protest of Biden, or sit home and not vote at all, which is a de facto vote for Trump. In the immortal words of Rush, “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.” And that choice benefits Trump.

    No matter how pissed off you are at Biden right now, do you think it would be any better under Trump? Did the Trump administration give you any indication that Trump is going to suddenly be sympathetic to an entire race of people that he to this day continues to use racial slurs to describe?

    Your choices are (a) Biden, or (b) someone exponentially worse than Biden. That’s it. This is the reality of the situation. If you do not choose (a), you’re choosing (b). If you don’t choose at all, you’ll be given (b) by default. Your only realistic option is to choose (a). Doing anything else because you disagree with the path Biden chose to take will do nothing but make the situation worse. There is no other option. Voting against Biden or choosing to stay home in protest is a textbook example of cutting off your own nose to spite your face. I stopped supporting Israel in any of this the minute they thought bombing a hospital and writing off hundreds of patients as expendable collateral damage was in some way acceptable, but no matter how much I disagree with Biden’s policies, I also know that the only other option available is much, much worse.

    Be careful what you wish for, guys. You might get it.