Qualcomm brings receipts: Snapdragon X Elite gets benchmarked, completely dunks on Apple’s M2 processor::Qualcomm made big claims with its Snapdragon X Elite platform and Oryon CPU, but the company proved it to the press last week with a special benchmarking session where we could witness just how powerf
Most things are fine on arm these days. Don’t know what this person is on about
Windows is not fine with ARM, which can be a turnoff for some.
The 20 reference laptops doing the benchmarking in this article were running on windows…
Being able to run benchmarks doesn’t make it is a great experience to use unfortunately. 3/4 of applications don’t run or have bugs that the devs don’t want to fix.
Could you name a few? Just curious if its very specific stuff or apps I might actually use.
A lot of x86 software is still just emulated for arm, not native.
MacOS? Yes. Linux? Sure. Android? Obviously. Windows? Not a chance!
And seeing this is designed for laptops, your options will be either Linux or Windows. The comment is on point.
The benchmarks from this article are running on Windows 11 Arm…
Oh don’t get me wrong, it definitely runs!
But have you tried using it as a daily driver? Most things will break. I discovered this the hard way by installing it in a Raspberry Pi
Was it just because it was arm, or because it was a raspberry pi and had too little of everything else windows likes to hog up? There’s several major laptop manufacturers that are planning to sell laptops with these. I doubt that would be the case if they were all functionally broken to the consumer.
Caveat for all platforms running wine applications. So Linux is fine, except when running windows applications.
Well, mostly, there do exist binary only Linux applications too. Business applications and also some games with native Linux support.