I have tailscale setup and can access my machine from outside, but i also have a domain that I don’t use? How could I proceed, what services do I need, if I want to see my homelab without vpn, just typing “www.mylamedomain.com”?
- I do not have fixed ip (only a local network fixed ip for the server)
- I cannot modify anything on the router, its a shitty router from the provider, and I can’t even replace the router because it has a card reader in it, like a bank card, without that card or that router, I dont have internet nor TV. (i’m thinking of changing provider, but the others have slower speed)
- I have Ubuntu server, with CasaOS and NexeCloud inside CasaOS.
- Talescale is installed directly on the host system.
Thanks in advance!
are you looking for ngrok.io by any chance? when was the last time you saw your ngrok.io and will it bite me if i approach it too fast?