What the fuck am I looking at here?
It’s a late-stage-degenerated meme.
According to knowyourmeme (other comment by AirBreather), it started from a series of popular tumblr posts of a “Who would win?” format
Then it got moldier, then the mold became part of the reference.
memes find a way
What did you say?
Okay, putting a flower crown on serial killers harms absolutely nobody. When was the last time someone was actually injured by a serial killer, the 50s? Sorry if you think this is a trend, but putting a circlet of flowers on top of a real human being that drove a 5 inch steel knife into an innocent persons beating heart can be qualified as self expression. Learn it. PS. I play reaper in overwatch and talk like solid snake when Im on the phone. I could hack the stock market if I needed to. Bye
I read it twice and I still don’t get what they’re trying to say…
Who woulge? “Dinner” it is my cat.
It looks like crappy speech to text trying to decipher a thick southern accent from someone chewing on tobacco.
It becomes more comprehensible when you know that the image predates the thread by a few years, so the first person was talking about the meme.
“Every time I feed my cat I think ‘who wants dinner?’ It is my cat”
reported by xxxxxx: " This is fucking gibberish."
Makes purrfect sense to me.