Remember kids, Tankies wants to undermine democracy - same as facists.

    11 months ago

    Reading this is giving me brain damage. Not only do you not know what communism is, but you actually tried to use fucking Cuba of all places to try and justify Marxism… How removed do you have to get to reach this point? Cuba is quite literally the most authoritarian country in the entirety of the northern hemisphere. It is the polar opposite of democracy, it is the polar opposite of prosperity, it is, in fact, the closest thing to a 1984 hellscape in the the America’s. You, like all Marxists, can cry, lie, and deny all day long but the reality is that Cuba is shit because of Marxism and nothing else. Want proof? Look at all the other Marxist states in history. They all found themselves in the same exact position regardless of external influence. There’s a reason why millions of Cubans fled the country and why millions more despise the current regime.