Wales’s minister for education and the Welsh language said he will write to the company to see how the government might be able to support the course’s continued development.
Wales’s minister for education and the Welsh language said he will write to the company to see how the government might be able to support the course’s continued development.
Dywedodd Mr Miles y byddai’n gofyn i’r cwmni ystyried sut y gallai’r llywodraeth - sydd â tharged hunan-osodedig o gyrraedd miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050 - gefnogi datblygiad y cwrs, gan weithio gyda’r Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol. Roedd ffigyrau Cyfrifiad y llynedd yn dangos bod 24,000 yn llai o siaradwyr Cymraeg o gymharu â degawd yn ôl a dywedodd adroddiad yn gynharach eleni fod amheuaeth ynghylch cyrraedd y targed. Ychwanegodd Mr Miles: "Mae Duolingo yn adnodd gwerthfawr a all helpu dysgwyr ar eu taith i ddod yn siaradwyr Cymraeg, ochr yn ochr â chyfleoedd dysgu iaith eraill. Roedd y tiwtor iaith Richard Morse yn un o’r rhai a fu’n gweithio am nifer o flynyddoedd i roi cynnwys y cwrs at ei gilydd.
I’m not so bad, thanks for asking - how are you?
That was just the guy’s address…
Need way longer words with fewer vowels for that.
it’s the short version. The local post office will recognize it
You make a strong case. Maybe people should learn…that.
It’s really useful! It’s spoken across the world in … Uh, one country that’s not even really it’s own country. In fact you’d be better off speaking English there.
I get the desire to preserve it as history, but it’s really not up to a private company to do something about that. And I say this as someone who knows private companies should be doing a lot more for people and the world than they are.
Welsh is spoken across the world. There is a significant community of Welsh speakers in Argentina, many of which don’t speak any English.
Language is much more than history. It is also deeply connected to culture and identity. Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever.
I don’t think your intentions are bad, but this attitude leads to cultural destruction (when applied in scale). Cultural destruction is serious evil, those that carry it out often use misdirections like it’s just not practical.
Good thing it’s not on either me nor a company to preserve that culture then!
The Welsh are free to whatever they please to preserve their culture and language. And Duolingo is free to not help if they don’t want to.
I swear, Welsh looks like ROT13 encoded English.
English version:
ROT13 version:
Bora da! Dym smygu araf.