It’s basically a comedy with the subtlety of a guy repeatedly screaming “I am beating you with a sledgehammer” as he hits you with a sledgehammer.

The joke is that everyone is dumb and the future and its painfully spoon-fed to the audience ad nusuesm. And now 15 years later everyone constantly brings up that movie when ever something happens and its the most over commented thing I’ve ever seen. It makes me hate the movie more. Its the peak movie for pseudo intellectuals.

    1 year ago

    IQ isn’t even a good metric of intelligence, just of the ability to do well at IQ tests.

    The point of the movie is to show how stupid people are everywhere, and it’s their fault that the world is going to shit. Which is an elitist, shitty argument. It completely ignores the direct involvement of those with a vested interest in keeping people ignorant of the world around them.

    Sure, you can make an argument that a certain level of intelligence is inheritable… but not to such a degree that is implied by the movie, or by how people interpret it. Sure, you may not have quite the same ability to quickly consume and interpret information… but most everyone has the ability to do it eventually. It’s just a matter of how much you want to. Many people, especially those in the American culture presented in the movie, have been trained to not do that, and that’s what people see when they look around and find idiots all around them. The unfortunate truth, though, is that those who judge others based on that vapid criteria suffer from the same lack of intelligent thought. They don’t put any effort into interpreting the world around them, and thus just assume those around them are a bunch of idiots who cause all the problems in their life.