The Israeli rescue service Zaka says its paramedics removed more than 260 bodies from a music festival that came under attack by Hamas militants.

The total figure of bodies found is expected to be higher, as other paramedic teams were also working in the area and Zaka added that the bodies “haven’t all been collected yet”.

Early on Saturday morning, Hamas targeted Nova music festival, a techno rave in the desert near the border with Gaza.

Videos shared on social media and by Israeli news outlets showed dozens of festival-goers running through an open field as gunshots rang out. Many hid in nearby fruit orchards or were gunned down as they fled.

    1 year ago

    That’s a lot of words for refusing to just agree that murdering and raping civilians at a concert is indeed bad, even when the oh so oppressed Hamas raider thugs do it.

    They aren’t the oppressed indigenous folks, they’re the corrupt rez bosses that suction off all the jobs and projects to benefit their clique, brutally disappear anyone who speaks out against them or even just says something they decide they don’t like, and then claim any outside judgement is targeted harassment.

    No, a terrorist pillaging, mass raping and murdering of civlians is not “if you create the conditions for war and terrorism…” despite the whinging of Hamasaboos insisting otherwise these monsters actively chose to murder civlians, actively chose to rape civilians, and kept actively choosing to do it when at no point was there any juncture where choosing to do so could be in any way construed as justified or necessary.

    People trying to claim this is retaliatory violence make me fucking sick to my stomach as a Palestinian American. You fucking Bougeyevik fetishizers try to sweep this under some victim blaming rug as if us le oppressed global southis are unjustly oppressed when held to the lofty standards of “don’t rape and murder civilians.”

    I don’t want excuses for their behaviour, I don’t want westsplainers telling me that it’s fine and dandy for my kin to commit such heinous and vile acts. I don’t want le revolutionaries leading global liberation from their $3,500 gaming rig bought by their upper middle class mittelpolitik parents to fetishize my people’s struggle to the point where any sin committed painted in that struggle’s colors is to be defended and qualified and whataboutismed like a vital supply route that will end the struggle overnight if the mere point is conceded that yes, Hamas raping and Murdering civilians is indeed bad and without excuse, justification, or proportionately causal context.

    I want these thugs rounded up and put to Nuremberg Part II, I want Israel to drop the colonialist pretenses and join with the PLO to found a new democratic state with strict human rights protections, and I want any supremacist or separatist who’d challenge that necessity for any hope of a lasting peace to be dragged to the sea they wanted to push the other side into, and forced to go in and never come out again.

    Because everyone who lives there has a fucking right to keep living there, because freedom of movement is a human right, and the land doesn’t belong to anyone, and acting like it can belong to someone is literally the batshit insane nonsense that got us here to begin with!

    dammī falasTēnī, 'annā beitla7mī, wa’anna sayim kitīr la’enton!

      1 year ago

      I don’t want excuses for their behaviour, I don’t want westsplainers telling me that it’s fine and dandy for my kin to commit such heinous and vile acts

      nobody said that XD

      people just understand why this happened and only a fool would be surprised that an oppressed population will react wildly eventually.