I was hoping you might let me know what honorific(s), if any, you’d prefer I use with your name. I often prefer to address people as Sir or Madame, or whatever is fitting. If you provide two or more, I was hoping you might offer (and I mean this jovially) a “removed-grade you” honorific as well. Though I do not understand you well enough, it’s my honor to think about what you have to say, [Honorific] Impassionata.

Neither here nor there, but among my technical suggestions, I have gently argued for several years with Sir [[Anders Aamodt]] about what I expect in the construction of his platform (including part of what it means to respect you, which I demand). I cannot say he has listened as carefully as I’d [[hope]], but I can say what he’s building is extremely difficult to do well (and, he gets a lot right where so few do, imho). If you have the time and inclination, I’d like to know what you think about this platform we’re on, and what you might wish for.