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As an aside, unlike what the video suggests, people liking Top Gun has nothing to do with its alleged return to modernism. It has far more to do with that jingoistic film assuaging USians’ insecurity of US hegemony slipping. When they bomb the facility located in not-Iran, it’s just US copium expressed in film. This is what happens when your analysis completely silos off real life politics and assumes art development is self-contained.
Debord’s Spectacle intensifies :debord-tired:
Good post, BTW. I think I understand the bad vibes I felt while watching the video more thanks to your insight.
As an aside, unlike what the video suggests, people liking Top Gun has nothing to do with its alleged return to modernism. It has far more to do with that jingoistic film assuaging USians’ insecurity of US hegemony slipping. When they bomb the facility located in not-Iran, it’s just US copium expressed in film. This is what happens when your analysis completely silos off real life politics and assumes art development is self-contained.
I agree with your take. Art isn’t conjured in a vacuum and the mind palaces of “auteurs” are still influenced by the material world around them.