So I just started a new job that has a lot of positives. Less stress, better wages, and some other tangibles and intangibles that put a smile on my face.

But it involves keeping up to date on sales tax rates in several American states which I’ve never done before.

One of those states is Missouri.

God damn it Missouri, why can you people not figure out a single goddamn statewide sales tax rate like sane people? What is this motherfucking fuckness?! I have to keep track of one hundred and sixty goddamn sales tax jurisdictions that are often separated within municipal boundaries? Fuck.

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    1 year ago

    why can you people not figure out a single goddamn statewide sales tax rate like sane people?

    A lot of the answer to this because St. Louis is comprised of an incredible number of little municipalities, and they all vigorous defend their sovereignty. And surprise surprise, a big reason so many municipalities exist is racism. In the era of white flight, these municipalities were able to put up all sorts of restrictive covenants et al to keep black folks out. And nowadays their budgets are mostly just paying for cops.