Often times when Communists refute my claims, they say that Capitalism isn’t human nature because apparently, humans are naturally compassionate. This claim is in short, stupid. First of all, humans are awful. I’m awful. You’re probably awful too. Ever seen animals go to war against each other? No? Me neither. Humans are the only ones who do that. That’s just how we are. Awful creatures. Secondly, we’re not naturally compassionate. That’s BS. Let’s have an example: You see a pile of money on a table and there’s three other people in the room with you. You all want the money. What do you do? You’d obviously prevent the other three from getting the money. That’s just basic human nature. Its in our genes. That’s why people steal, kill and do other terrible things.
I’m evil inherently and I’m proud of it. Deal with it, idealists.