Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde. “The Grande Dame of Consciousness”. Luukanen died in shady circumstances and her last book was not quite entirely ready.

A quick and compact interview at a mainstream pop music radio station. Ahead of her time: the wide scale of micro chipping, how they’re gotten inside people and how they can be located in human body. True background of the tragedy of Norway. Rauni-Leena also indeed uncovers the mysteries of a human body and brings about on who truly control this world. States don’t do that; who controls the states?

Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde passed away in her native Finland with severe cancer all over her body after being microwaved for four days, on February 8, 2015. She is believed to have been murdered. Rauni was a real fighter and inspired many of us, thank you so much Rauni. _

Nopea, tiivis haastattelu kaupallisella valtavirran musiikkiradiokanavalla. Aikaansa edellä: mikrosirujen käytön laajuus, kuinka ne saadaan ihmisiin sisälle ja kuinka ne voidaan ihmiskehosta paikallistaa. Norjan tragedian todelliset taustat. Rauni-Leena raottaa myös ovea ihmisenkehon mysteereihin ja kertoo kuka tätä maailmaa oikeasti pyörittää. Valtiot eivät sitä nimittäin tee, kuka ohjaakaan valtioita?

Luukanen-Kilde’s last book: https://www.amazon.com/BRIGHT-LIGHT-SHADOWS-DR-RAUNI-LEENA-LUUKANEN/dp/0994037406

Her 1st book “Kuolemaa ei ole” - “There is No Death” (1982) seems very hard to find.

Related link: https://prepareforchange.net/2015/09/16/tribute-to-a-lightworker-extraordinaire-dr-rauni-leena-luukanen-kilde-expert-on-mind-control-chemtrails-electronic-warfare-pharmaceutical-warfare-etc/