This is for people who were born without a full set, for congenital reasons. It’s not for people who’ve had teeth removed.
So far :)
Given the prime indicator of economic status is now dental health, I can see the next-gen tooth-regrowing formula as being a huge benefit for my lower-born homies; and I can see the cons blocking “tarnishing the sanctity of God’s image for us” (or similar malarkey) for that very reason.
Finally! I was hearing about growing teeth 25 years ago!!
Can you imagine the possible side effects of this though? I’ve seen too many photos of teeth growing where teeth shouldn’t be.
As a 30 year old getting dentures - aka the target market, it would take a lot to convince me of the safety of this.
I know I’ll end up with teeth growing from my tongue, butthole, etc.
Or the dreaded vagina dentata…
They’d have to give me a drug to grow a vagina first, but yeah.
Can you imagine the possible side effects of this though? I’ve seen too many photos of vaginas growing where vaginas shouldn’t be.
Just as an aside, I know people who don’t believe there’s anyplace a vagina shouldn’t be. Your point stands though.
I guess the hope would be the injection is targeted specifically where they want a tooth, and works that way in practice.
Tooth-knuckles, now, I want them.