Does anybody else do this?

I’ve finally realized that the weird imbalance I feel in every relationship I actually care about is that I am far more deeply interested in other people than they are me. I’ve come to the realization that I make other people a special interest for myself, and that it hurts me when they don’t reciprocate this thing that they admittedly never asked for but do happily soak up.

What do?

I’m finally going to have to scrape up the money for therapy and the courage to actually talk to someone other than an anonymous internet rando about this, aren’t I? You guys can’t actually tell me the magic words to fix me, right?

I am not loving it

  • FourteenEyes [he/him]
    1 year ago

    This isn’t really a “special interest” I think so much more as just how NDs engage with things and people in general. We’re very hot and cold on things, and tend to decide whether we like someone/something pretty quickly, and if we do we go pretty hard. Special interests are just things that hit all the right buttons.

    As far as I can tell, the thing to do is find and interact with other neurodivergent people and have a better chance of finding that bestie who is as into you as you are into them. In theory. Personally struggling with a lot of alienation myself right now, so I can’t tell for sure.

    • ratboy [they/them]
      1 year ago

      This is definitely something I experience. Ive read that it can be really difficult for ND people to define relationships, it’s kinda all or nothing, which is super relatable to me. The distinct categorizations of best friend, good friends, acquaintances, etc. and all of those categories just doesn’t really register for me. If I like you I usually really like you. I’m better at making distinctions now but I used to want EVERYONE to be my friend and got really hurt and confused when my bids for friendship weren’t reciprocated how I expected