Fully Charged in Just 6 Minutes – Groundbreaking Technique Could Revolutionize EV Charging::Typically, it takes around 10 hours to charge an electric vehicle. Even with fast-charging techniques, you’re still looking at a minimum of 30 minutes – and that’s if there’s an open spot at a charging station. If electric vehicles could charge as swiftly as we refill traditional gas vehicles, it wo

  • kameecoding@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    how about you recognize that your use case is very much in the minority and covered by alternative solutions like Hydrogenation powered cars?

    sure you might want a car with 1000 km range and you can get that along with semi-trucks you can hop on the Hydrogen platform , but statistics show that the vast majority of driving people do is well within the ranges of current BEVs, so why make all cars carry around all that extra weight, the expensive batteries when the vast majority of it won’t ever be used?

      • kameecoding@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        snake oil regenerative braking

        da fuck.

        i shouldnt be needing a separate car to access remote areas, or always have to be anxious about range. minority ? hmm, well not everyone lives in the G7 countries, so we dont have a supercharger in each 100km radius. probably there are 5 or 6 V1 tesla chargers in 150k km² surface area where i am now

        How often do you go to these remote areas? how many of these areas are out of reach from you on a full charge?

        i would gladly pay an extra 10k$ to have double the battery size

        except there is more cost to a double battery size than just money, look up how the metals are mined for these batteries.

        hydrogen is costly:

        Doesn’t matter, it’s gonna be used for semi-trucks anyway, it can be manufactured anywhere and solar energy is abundant so is water, much more abundant than what we use for the batteries we have at the moment.

        you also have to start to factor in road wear if you start doubling battery capacity.

          • kameecoding@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            by road wear I mean that if you start adding more and more weight it will significantly increase infrastructure costs of keeping the roads maintained

            not a concrete answer

            it’s a fitting response to your non-conrete statement about regen braking.

            not much but, but people

            Oh so it’s not even you are arguing for, it’s these mystical other people.

            an electric 4WD, not a cybertruck gimmick.

            okay, what the fuck does a non-product like cybertruck has to do with anything?

            i meant by remote that there no supercharger in 400km radius in sight

            Are there people like that? I am from Slovakia which doesn’t have a great infrastructure and I don’t believe there are even people like that here.

            • that’s an infrastructure issue, gas stations exists, they can add superchargers, it’s a complete non-argument.

            their efficieny drops alot when they are at temps way beyond 26°c

            what the fuck does desert has to do with anything?

            u would need to cover whole Russias worth of land to produce sizeable amounts of hydrogen

            no you dont…