Very true to form for Bethesda. They give the players a bunch of mechanics to play with and then see what happens. Reminds me of the bucket trick in Skyrim where you can put containers on NPC’s heads to block their vision so that you can steal from them. It’s very silly, breaks the game, and ruins immersion, but it’s a single-player game so who cares? Enjoy the silliness if that’s how you want to play.
i didn’t know you could steal from anyone in a bethesda game without magic guards knowing through the walls
I recall in Skyrim, chickens could act as a witness to crimes… so you’d have to ensure there were no poultry about or you’d run a fowl of the law.
Ugh. I hate you lol. Take your upvote …
You can if said guards have buckets on their heads. Buckets are thicker than walls, duh.
The only magic like that I know in any Bethesda game is that killing guards raises your bounty even if there are no witnesses. Sometimes picking something up makes “noise” which can get you busted, though.
IIRC if you aren’t seen by the guard that doesn’t happen (stealth kills, bow kills)
I used to steal while looking a guard dead in the eyes.
I was at kissing distance while they went: “must’ve been the wind”
Fun times, silly game.
deleted by creator
I was just wondering what the inside must feel like or how it feels to maneuver, heh. The visibility from the cockpit also seems abysmal. Someone on Reddit did this same concept of exploiting the center mass AI design with a far simpler design. Their ship was essentially a giant L shape, which I feel is more economical and relatively practical.
Flying in a giant L… Huh
Need a fleet of 3 ships.
L. O. L.
Enemies need to learn to just take the L
Mine is a normal ship with a pillar that goes straight up, and then branches off backwards and sideways. I really hate the space combat. Give me Star Citizens space combat any day.
I have a feeling there is no walking when using that ship. Just enter or leave the cockpit directly via fast travel.
AI enemy aims for middle, delete the middle!
nice cope cage lmao
This has worked since Kingdom Hearts 1. The donut ship just works!
Came to say the same thing. Donut ships are op. Nearly unhittable.
Wonder if you could design an elegant ship in this style, with a circular void in the center and a long neck and tail.
Xbox execs claimed Starfield would be Bethesda’s least buggy game launch ever
Setting the bar high I see…
No game breaking bugs so far, but definitely typical Bethesda weirdness.
For example,
- NPCs getting stuck behind walls or teleporting through doors
- NPCs flying around and ragdolling in clipped positions
- Rocks floating around off the terrain (not the gravity anomaly ones)
It’s what Bethesda and their engine are known for.
Or soft locking quests because an enemy unloaded but the mission requires all enemies to be killed
No game breaking bugs? Lol
My friend cant even get ingame. The game just crashes.
He says its apparently a common issue, after habing searched the internet for a solution.
He has got current gen amd cpu and gpu
Kudos to the designer, M.C. Escher.
People will always find ways around everything lol
Imagine the looks when this… thing… lands at a spaceport.
“Nice ship- uh nevermind.”
Reminds me of the donut ship in Kingdom Hearts 2
L m a o that’s awesome
I know Empyrion, which looks similiar in functionality. Anyone who knows both, how does Starfield compare to Empyrion?
I had high hopes for Empyrion but it blossomed like I had hoped it would. Bought it around 2016 and it still looks basically the same. AI still walks around like they shit their pants and guns feel like I’m shooting with a slide whistle.
So Starfield then, once you can get it for $10 and there are hundreds of mods.