so ill post a few of my failed examples below along with what I came up with as a fix, and then the actual correct code. I feel like im so close to grasping this, but missing some logic. this is for a hangman game.

one of the failed attempts:

import random
word_list = ["aardvark", "baboon", "camel"]
chosen_word = random.choice(word_list)

#Testing code
print(f'Pssst, the solution is {chosen_word}.')

#Create an empty List called display.
#For each letter in the chosen_word, add a "_" to 'display'.
#So if the chosen_word was "apple", display should be ["_", "_", "_", "_", "_"] with 5 "_" representing each letter to guess.

display = ["_"] * len(chosen_word)

guess = input("Guess a letter: ").lower()

#If the letter at that position matches 'guess' then reveal that letter in the display at that position.
#e.g. If the user guessed "p" and the chosen word was "apple", then display should be ["_", "p", "p", "_", "_"].

for letter in chosen_word:
if guess == letter:
for i in range(len(chosen_word)):
display.insert(i, guess)



for letter in chosen_word:
  if guess == letter:
    for i in range(len(chosen_word[letter])):
      display.insert(i, guess)

I ended up just saying screw it and went to this:

display = []
for char in chosen_word:
    if guess == letter:
        display += letter
    display += "_"

correct way of doing it:

import random
word_list = ["aardvark", "baboon", "camel"]
chosen_word = random.choice(word_list)

print(f'Pssst, the solution is {chosen_word}.')

display = []
word_length = len(chosen_word)
for _ in range(word_length):
  display += "_"
guess = input("Guess a letter: ").lower()

for position in range(word_length):
  letter = chosen_word[position]
  if letter == guess:
    display[position] = letter


so as you can see, i get that I can grab specific parts of a list using indices or slices, but somewhere in my brain my logic is wrong. if you guys have struggled with this before or if you have a good youtube video to help me break it down id be beyond thankful!

  • Osnapitsjoey@lemmy.oneOP
    1 year ago

    Yeah I’ve actually been using chatgpt as well as a few other resources! My biggest gripe is that chatgpt can’t really teach without showing. I want to understand where my logic was flawed, and be guided towards the correct answer, instead chatgpt will do a good job at explaining what I did wrong, and then showing me the correct code.

    So c is a good starter language? Cuz I’m at the point now that I can just stackoverflow my way into making a smaller project, but I really want to learn how this all works and learn the fundamentals so I’m fluent