Russia refused to extend the deal in July, complaining that an agreement promising to remove obstacles to Russian exports of food and fertiliser hadn’t been honored.
Russia refused to extend the deal in July, complaining that an agreement promising to remove obstacles to Russian exports of food and fertiliser hadn’t been honored.
Your entire argument is “we should do what Russia wants”. They’re waging a war of aggression and facilitating African coups, but somehow the west is at fault and needs to compromise with them. And if they form a diplomatic agreement that Russia violates, that’s also the west’s fault and they need to compromise more. And if Russia enters an agreement and then decides it doesn’t like it, it’s allowed to just tell bald-faced lies about how the terms apply and again, we should compromise with them and give them what they want.
Fuck all the way off.
You, on the other hand, seem to believe the West can just dictate terms and ignore everything Russia says and that this won’t just end in disaster. That’s not how the real world works.
Negotiations are about give and take. You can’t just demand “we get everything we want, Russia gets nothing” and then expect Russia to ever agree.