In a bleak and mundane world, a child born to mysterious circumstances discovers they have a gift, but that gift is forbidden by the bad people that resent how awesome the gift is and want to punish special people that have the gift, so that special chosen one of destiny must embrace their destiny and restore the good and proper status quo with a little(a lot) of help from their friends. :so-true:
That isn’t just Harry Potter or Star Wars, mind. That’s also Terry Goodkind’s cryptofascist slop, among many others.
Within the newly established Neo-American States, some sectors have begun to fight back. As the resistance groups start to contemplate and argue out their disagreements the MC meets with the Oligarchs and realizes that he basically would have to take their place.
They give him the choice of dying here and he becomes apart of history or he continues to resist and become nothing but a memory.
Society is evil and does great harm to the main character and many of his friends, but one of the friends is more evil because he tries to do something to change the status quo - this is proven when he murders a bus full of children for no reason, convincing the main character that even though all life is sacred he has to be killed and the status quo has to be maintained.
The hero then becomes the fantasy/sci-fi equivalent of a cop, restoring the balance. :so-true:
I know you’re referring to Harry Potter, but my sentence doesn’t apply to it because no one in Harry Potter actually tries to change the status quo. :agony-shivering:
ACTUALLY :very-intelligent: Hermione did want to reform house elf slavery policy, but that was presented as quaint and naive and she eventually gave up and probably decided to :vote: