Hi folks, I’m wondering how you organise your wishlist/tradelists. I’m not looking for much, I just want to have a place to save two lists of cards; one with cards that I want to trade away/sell and one with cards that I want to trade for/buy.
I want to post these lists to my local magic discord on occasion and sometimes copy paste the wishlist into a place like cardmarket for buying the cards.
Today I am using deckbox.org and it feels a bit on the clunky side. There are several features in there I don’t really use, plus the UX is a bit bad for some things (the search function sucks and the visual list is not very compact, for example).
I am not looking to organise my entire collection. I am also already using Moxfield for decklists and am pretty happy with that.
I’m tempted to just make a spreadsheet with cards names, but I admit it is nice to be able to see visual cards if you forget what a specific card is and for sharing the list as a visual list.
As I play pauper and wishlist a lot of cheap commons, the wishlist can get quite long, perhaps up to 200 unique card names or so.
ManaBox app
Could you share an example of how the lists look?
I use Deckbox as well, but my real tradelist is in Cardsphere. I keep a list of wants on deep discount and the bonus is that every now and then someone sends me a bargain.
Cardsphere is the solution you’re looking for. It’s great for exactly this, and is pretty much the only way I trade (buy and sell) anymore.
Looks like a neat solution, unfortunately, the first post on that site is announcing that they are shutting down.
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To be clear, I’m not really interested in in-app trading which is why I’m considering just making a spreadsheet. If the lists in there are easily shared and viewed “manually” I’m happy to use it, though. Do you have a screenhot of how the wishlist and tradlist look when browsing through them?
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Well, I suppose that’s off the table then. Thanks for the heads up