1 point for the episode/main plot. 1 point for the joke/scene.
Also points are made up and don’t matter.
And yes, I know what I did.
Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular? (only about time clip show I can think of)
The opening guest credits wouldn’t appear over the top in the Bart Vs Aust episode, cause that scene is about 3 mins from the end
Exactly right! I’ve been trying to figure out how to do a “fair” clip show screenshot and luckily this montage is during the credits.
Ooh, I know! The 138th episode spectacular. The clip show. ‘Hardcore Nudity’ during the end credits.
Haha, it’s what we’ve all been waiting for!
“Don’t tread on me” I’m surprised he was able to write so legibly on his own butt.
Not quite the butt joke I’m going for with this tricky screenshot.
hums the star spangled banner
Calling down under and asking which way the water turns in the toilet. When the phone were on the wall, the collect call was a death sentence. The joke it was to salute his ass which was gonna get kicked before with a giant boot.
Almost. I’ve played a trick with this screenshot.
How dare you. Lol
While the great Phil Hartman is in Bart vs Australia, that is not where this specifc screenshot is from.
Damn I thought I had it
Mimicjar, Simpsons connoisseur