I was sitting by the lagoon when these two waddled up, hassling me for food. They were leaning on me, showing their “teeth” (I know they’re not really teeth. The serrated rows of sharp things in their beaks). I gently pushed them off me, and gave one of them a scratch on the belly. Then they struck a pose so I could take this pic.
I walk past a family of these every morning. Started feeding them dandelion leaves, and now they start honking whenever they see me 😂
I didn’t know they liked dandelion leaves. I’ll have to collect some and try it out on these two.
They don’t like dandelion leaves
Dandelion leaves are fuckin crack to them, honest
Now I’m intrigued. I’ll let you know how it goes!
Watch your fingers though, as soon as they smell dandelions they’ll snap at them!
Well I went back today with a bag of dandelions, and there were no geese. Lots of ducks, though. None of them seemed terribly keen so I spread it out on the ground in case the geese came back. I’d upload some duck pics but it seems Lemmy still isn’t allowing uploads.
Wow big ones