This could be a hot take, but I used to be deathly afraid of all things related to possession/demons while religious because I thought it was a real threat which required me to be vigilant (sounds extremely absurd I know). But my god did it all completely change the minute I started deconstructing my beliefs and thinking about what actually happens in the real world. Which leads me to believe these types of movies are only popular because of Christianity’s ubiquity. I’m sure other religions have better illustrations of the paranormal that would be cool to see, but all we have is the product of centuries of colonialism. Because even movies with those types of illustrations are extremely orientalist. Bleh just another example of mayos bungling another aspect of culture for everyone else

This also could just be me being a complete buzzkill, but psychological/cosmic horror is where it’s at 💯

    1 year ago

    I was raised agnostic and for years I couldn’t understand why people found religious themed horror scary, until one day I realized “Oh, they think this might actually happen to them”. It’s a strange phenomenon to observe from outside. Horror based on the mythology of other cultures is out there though, it’s just not widely available because of western hegemony.