• mrginger@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Gonna get downvoted to hell by saying this, but I didn’t see anything about the books being banned in the linked article or the source article. As a matter of fact the school in question doubled down on keeping them. But, you could argue by pulling kids out of classes as a protest against said books being included in a curriculum is effectively trying to get them banned.

    What I did read was a judge basically told some bigoted ass parents that no you can’t opt your kids out of the classes whose curriculum go against your religious “morals”. That, I don’t agree with. That is a very sharp double edged sword that could be abused in so many ways.

    • pivot_root@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Suppose my religious morals were that evolution is a farce, condoms and responsible sex were akin to murder, and independent thought outside the church was frowned upon.

      Would it still be a bad thing for the judge to rule against that? It’s a slippery slope, but the line has to be drawn somewhere for the sake of the kids themselves.