So I finally got tired of the hit and miss of using azorius on the same subdomain as my old lemmy install. I assumed it was a key issue so I killed the DB and re initialized the build, and am now hosting it under the new subdomain deddit.

I subscribed to all the same communities but this time I noticed when loading a new community no posts were shown, though the logs clearly show json dumps with posts from those groups. I didn’t think anything of it and kept subscribing to my groups. Sometimes a couple of posts would show but usually zero posts.

Today, I see a few commeints but no new posts. Even though the groups are active with new posts, etc.

I see a lot of these entries in the logs:

2023/08/24 16:02:45 no post for comment:

Anything I can do to troubleshoot this? Are there any key files stored I should have wiped out or something? I did delete the entire -datadir and recreated it.

  • Peter@deddit.petersanchez.comOP
    10 months ago

    After a big of digging through logs it seems it’s that is not posting updates to me. Trying to unsubscribe produces this error:

    2023/08/29 19:16:01 failed to post json to http post status: 403

    Are the keys stored in the database (azorius.db) or on disk? I did destroy the db and re-create it when moving to a new sub domain but maybe the keys survived if they’re stored on disk somewhere other than the db? Could that be the issue (though I guess it doesn’t make sense it works with other lemmy instances)

      10 months ago

      That’s a little weird, but is always having problems. :(

      In my testing, a bad key would result in a 400 status.

      The keys are stored in the database. Every instance will have new ones.

      You may be stuck for a bit in the delivery retry queue. After a failed response like 403, we’ll save that and try it again for a while. But new messages will line up behind the failed message. So effectively, you can’t talk to until the 403 message times out. This is by design, but if there’s a federation problem, it’s not great.

      You can peek in the database at the deliveries table, and delete anything with a rcpt of Then try subscribing again.

      • Peter@deddit.petersanchez.comOP
        10 months ago

        Well, I just went and unsubscribed and resubscribed and finally I got 200 OK responses and Accept posts back. So maybe things are all worked out now. Wish I could say what the issue or resolution was but as the saying goes, time heals all wounds.