So I finally got tired of the hit and miss of using azorius on the same subdomain as my old lemmy install. I assumed it was a key issue so I killed the DB and re initialized the build, and am now hosting it under the new subdomain deddit.

I subscribed to all the same communities but this time I noticed when loading a new community no posts were shown, though the logs clearly show json dumps with posts from those groups. I didn’t think anything of it and kept subscribing to my groups. Sometimes a couple of posts would show but usually zero posts.

Today, I see a few commeints but no new posts. Even though the groups are active with new posts, etc.

I see a lot of these entries in the logs:

2023/08/24 16:02:45 no post for comment:

Anything I can do to troubleshoot this? Are there any key files stored I should have wiped out or something? I did delete the entire -datadir and recreated it.

    10 months ago

    How did you follow these groups? When you search for the group, it should pull the outbox. It skips this if you search for one post. But prog@azorius is empty. I didn’t think that was possible. And I wrote it. :)

    You found a bug! 🎉 Recent change to treat background refresh nicer ended up breaking things.