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Mayor of Komona Our great magic contest can finally commence! Writing Magic Contest

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Mayor of Komona And thanks to our brilliant engineers, you too will be able to participate! Yes, yes, my friends, feast your eyes on these technological wonders our hosts and hostesses will provide you! The green button gives a point to a candidate, the red button removes one. It’s you who decides! “And the jury?”, I hear you ask. Don’t worry, we’ve thought of everything! Each juror has a special remote, able to give or take a hundred points with a single press! Pepper Wow!

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Mayor of Komona And the icing on the cake— the scores will appear directly above the participant’s head! Writing 1337 Mayor of Komona The three witches who obtain the best scores will proceed to the finals! Don’t forget, the grand prize winner will take home the amazing sum of… …50,000 Ko! Audience Clap

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Audience Clap Carrot Tap Pepper Such a great concept, isn’t it Carrot? Innovative… Amusing… Democratic… … the perfect system! We no longer need experts to judge for quality! What progress! We really do live in a fantastic era! Mayor of Komona Everyone have their remote? Audience Great! Yes! Yeah! Yes! Yes! Mayor of Komona Good! Let the contest… BEGIN!!

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Mayor of Komona And with Camomile we start the event! Sound Dgiiioo… Camomile SYLVESTRIS! Sound Bam! Audience Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap

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Writing 5861 Mayor of Komona Camomile obtains a very good score! It is now Shichimi’s turn! Audience Clap Shichimi LUX… Sound Fiiiiiiizz!! Shichimi MAXIMA! Audience Aah!! Ow!! My eyes!!! Boo! Booo! Pepper Carrot… give her a green thumb anyway; she’s our friend after all… Carrot Tap Audience Booo! Booo! Writing -42 Mayor of Komona Ah, it would appear the crowd was not dazzled by this “brilliant” display! We now turn to Spirulina! Audience Boooo! Booo! Booo! Boo!

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Spirulina RELEASUS KRAKENIS! Sound Wwwloo! Splaashh! Writing 6225 Mayor of Komona Beautiful! Powerful! Spirulina gains the lead! Coriander, over to you! Spirulina & Durian Tap Audience Clap Coriander MORTUS REDITUS! Sound Groowooo! Writing 2023 Mayor of Komona Oh, it seems that skeletons are out of fashion… Now for our dear Saffron!

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Saffron Grrr! There’s no way I’ll let myself do worse than Spirulina! It’s time to give it my all! Stand back, Truffel! Sound Frrrshh! Frrrshh! Krchh! Truffel Meow! Saffron SPIRALIS FLAMAaaaaaaah! Sound Fwwwooooshh! Swwwiiip! Fsssh! Paf! Saffron ?!! Sound Fsssh! Fsssh! Saffron Aiiiiiee!!

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Saffron Oh no… How embarrassing! Audience Clap Saffron ?! Writing 14 849 Pepper Tap Lord Azeirf Tap Tap Tap Writing 18 231 Mayor of Komona Please… please! A little decorum! Shichimi and Coriander are eliminated! Camomile, Spirulina and Saffron have qualified for the finals!

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Mayor of Komona Ladies, are you ready for one more challenge? Over to you! Writing 15 703 19 863 13 614 Audience Clap Sound Plonk! Pepper I take back everything I said about this system… Lord Azeirf Tap Tap Tap Narrator - FIN -

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Credits 05/2017 - - Artwork & Scenario : David Revoy - Translation: Alex Gryson Dialogue Improvements: Nicolas Artance, Valvin, Craig Maloney. Based on the Hereva universe created by David Revoy with contributions from Craig Maloney. Corrections by Willem Sonke, Moini, Hali, CGand and Alex Gryson. Software : Krita 3.1.3, Inkscape 0.92.1 on Linux Mint 18.1 License : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Pepper&Carrot is entirely free(libre), open-source, and sponsored thanks to the patronage of its readers. For this episode, thanks go to the 864 Patrons: You too can become a patron of Pepper&Carrot on